Friday, May 7, 2010

attractive & repulsive

I took this picture of the paper bag for my repulsive picture. I angled it so that you could see the garbage can blurry in the background. Littering has become a major problem everywhere. It is gross how people don't even think twice about littering anymore. People don't see it as a problem when it is a big one. I used the color balance to make the image sharper and cropped it slightly to fill the frame more. I didn't need to make anything more blurry because my camera focused on the paper bag automatically. I also used multiply to make the image stronger.
This is my second repulsive picture. Seeing all of the bright colors and having a swingset would seem like such a beautiful thing and the idea of kids playing is also a precious thought. But this swingset is part of a larger playground by my house. It is almost always abandoned. Kids don't play on playgrounds like they used to. Technology has taken over most of kids play time. This picture I only needed to use the color balance and blur overlay to make the colors pop out more. I like that the colors are very attractive, but the idea behing my photo is sad.
I took this picture sitting on one of the benches by the boardwalk. I just looked over and it caught my attention. At first I thought it looked really gross, but the more I looked, the more it grew on me. I love the long grass in front and how bright green the sun makes it. I cropped this photo to bring in the focus on the frame more. I also used the color balance and blur overlay to make the colors stronger.
I took this picture of my little cousin. She goes to St. Jerome grade school which is also where I went K-8th grade. I think the idea of having a strong education is very important. St. Jerome prepared me for high school in many ways. With the uniforms, even thought we hated them at the time, it really wasn't that bad. Since we all looked the same, we had to get to know each other and have individuality through our personalities rather than our clothing. The idea of schooling and education and modesty is very attractive. In this photo, I used the color balance again, and also did an overlay once again to make the colors sharper.

1 comment:

  1. the concepts you convey through these photos are very strong, i love that! The swings, influenced by the fact that children don't play outside as much as they used to is repulsive.. and the facts about how wearing a uniform does make your personality shine through more, good job!
